Storm Damage

Perth gets some pretty severe storms from time to time, often resulting in fallen or uprooted trees which can do extensive property damage.

Prevention is always the best cure but what if a storm blows in, throws tree branches and limbs all around your garden and even breaks off a tree or two?

Perth Tree Care have a team of professional and qualified arborists who have years of experience removing storm damaged trees and branches. We also prioritise storm damage jobs to ensure that any dangers of further damage are removed from your property as quickly as possible.

If storm damage has occurred, then call our team of qualified arborists and they will assist you with the following:

  • Removal of fallen and damaged trees
  • Tree and branch trimming.
  • Securing broken or damaged branches
  • Pruning, shaping and cutting back dangerous tree limb

The six types of Storm Damage to Trees

  • Total tree collapse, when the tree is pushed over and completely damaged due to high winds.
  • Stem failure occurs at weak spots of the tree. Old wounds of the tree are weaker compared to the other sections, and a storm might lead to stem damage and breakage.
  • Crown twist, which means more wind on one side of the crown comprising leaves, twigs, and branches. It produces a twist on the branches and main stem causing them to collapse and split respectively.
  • Root failure occurs when the roots of a tree are constrained.
  • Branch failure - weakens the point.
  • Lightning strikes destroys tree tissues by electrical disruption and causes extensive water loss and root damage.
    The first there are considered catastrophic and immediate, professional treatment is needed. The remaining three cause comparatively less damage and their effect is spread over years.